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Price List

Untitled design (2).jpg

Sweet Table / Dessert Table


* Tartlets 

* Pavlovas

* Macarons

* Cakesicles

* Mini Cakes

* Cream Puffs

* Mini Cake Jars

* Mini Mouse Cups

* Fondant Cookies

* Chocolate Covered Oreo 

* Royal Icing Letter Cookies

€ 4,50

€ 4,50

€ 4,50

€ 4,50

€ 4,50

€ 3,25

€ 4,50

€ 4,50

€ 4,50

€ 4,50

€ 4,50

12 pieces

12 pieces

24 pieces

12 pieces

12 pieces

12 pieces

12 pieces

12 pieces

12 pieces

12 pieces

12 pieces

Price Per  Piece

Starting from

Cupcake Bouquet

* Cupcake Bouquet Small

* Cupcake Bouquet Meduim

* Cupcake Bouquet Large

€ 55,-

€ 72,-

€ 88

7 large cupcakes

9 large cupcakes

13 large cupcakes

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